Filtering by: “talks”
Project to Product Summit
to 9 Oct

Project to Product Summit

The inaugural Project to Product Summit is positioned as a pivotal gathering for professionals navigating the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in product delivery. This two-day event will explore essential strategies and practices that facilitate a successful transition from traditional project management to a more product-oriented framework, enabling organizations to deliver enhanced value in the digital age.

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Principles for Decision-Making and Team-of-Teams Design in Platform Orgs at Platform Engineering Meetup

Principles for Decision-Making and Team-of-Teams Design in Platform Orgs at Platform Engineering Meetup

Building platforms for automotive embedded systems may seem very different from those for high-frequency trading in FSI or secure government services. However, universal patterns distinguish top performers from the rest. After seven years of platform building and enabling rapid innovation, we've identified key insights. Join us in a conversation to explore how to create inspiring engineering environments that unleash full potential and creativity.

Key points/outcomes

Understanding “Platforms”: we will explore the differences between a platform and a platform service, as well as how platform definitions can vary across industries.

Complex Architectures and Team Structures: we will explore the complexities of engineering platforms that extend beyond the traditional full-stack single product team.

Platform team-of-team organization: we will go over a set of proven principles helping leaders deliver measurable business impact from their platform organizations

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Team Topologies Fundamentals with Lean Agile Ninja in Polish, In-person

Team Topologies Fundamentals with Lean Agile Ninja in Polish, In-person

Enhance your organization's agility and streamline team workflows with our in-person course in Warsaw, presented in Polish by Team Topologies valued partner, Lean Agile Ninja. Learn practical strategies to optimize team structures, improve collaboration, and accelerate the delivery of customer value while avoiding burnout. Ideal for teams and leaders committed to continuous improvement and innovation.

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Is your Org chart a Roadblock to Tech Delivery

Is your Org chart a Roadblock to Tech Delivery

Is Your Org Chart a Roadblock to Tech Delivery? with Susan Abishara, Luke McManus and Karthik Subbaiah

Join us for a thought-provoking discussion where our speakers will dive into the complexities of organisational structures and their impact on tech delivery. Discover how traditional hierarchies might be slowing down your projects and explore how reimagining your tech team dynamics can lead to a faster flow of value, rather than just a fast flow of features. We’ll discuss strategies to deliver customer value more effectively, transforming your org chart from a roadblock into a catalyst for optimal workflow.

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Stellafai Virtual Outcome Forum

Stellafai Virtual Outcome Forum

Building platforms for automotive embedded systems may feel different from those for high-frequency trading algorithms or highly secure government services. However, certain patterns and principles consistently distinguish those who will excel from those who will be mediocre at best.

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Project to Product Open Forum

Project to Product Open Forum

Building platforms for automotive embedded systems may feel different from those for high-frequency trading algorithms or highly secure government services. However, certain patterns and principles consistently distinguish those who will excel from those who will be mediocre at best.

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DevOpsDays Amsterdam - Collaborative software design for team cognitive load

DevOpsDays Amsterdam - Collaborative software design for team cognitive load

Collaborative software design for team cognitive load

When navigating the complexities of software design and development, new ideas and future requests frequently cross software and team boundaries. The most effective approach to these design challenges is through collaborative modelling sessions, where teams are directly involved in crafting the software design. Yet, this approach leads us to a critical dilemma: What happens when new capabilities increase the cognitive load on a team, hindering their ability to deliver on both new and ongoing business needs? And how do we address situations where these new capabilities clash with our current architecture, leading to necessary changes that don’t fit our existing team structures? Our goal is always to create the best architecture for our business challenges, but this depends heavily on our teams’ delivery capabilities. This brings us to a fundamental question: If our teams face difficulties in implementing what is ideally the ‘best’ architecture, can we still consider it the most effective solution?

Join us in this interactive, hands-on session, where you will delve into a real-world software design challenge that intersects both software and team boundaries. Equipped with detailed context and comprehensive software diagrams, you will design in groups two potential software designs. You are free to approach the challenge in any way you prefer, and we will provide a message flow modelling template to help you quickly start addressing your challenge. From those initial two designs, we will introduce you to the fundamental principles of Team Topologies, focusing on how cognitive load affects the teams involved and your software design. This understanding of cognitive load will be crucial as we further explore more solutions to the design challenge. Throughout this session, you will gain practical insights into how cognitive load influences your approach to software design. You will learn how to effectively incorporate Team Topologies into your design decisions. By the end of this experience, you will have hands-on software design experience, tackling complex design challenges with a team-first approach.


Kenny Baas-Schwegler I believe in collaborative software design where ‘every voice shapes the software’. Leveraging a domain-driven design approach, I facilitate clearer communication between

Sjoerd Westerhof I love solving challenges by designing and building solutions that create real value. Sometimes I wonder, why engineering is disconnected from business needs, and then I try to build up the bridges ...

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PlatformCon 2024 - Manuel Pais on From Fragile to Antifragile Internal Platforms
to 14 Jun

PlatformCon 2024 - Manuel Pais on From Fragile to Antifragile Internal Platforms

Manuel Pais on "From Fragile to Antifragile Internal Platforms"

Manuel Pais will be delivering a keynote at this year’s edition of PlatformCon.
Don’t miss the the latest on platform-as-a-product, platform grouping of teams and acceleration of flow through proper design of platforms and the team interactions behind them.

Internal platforms are understood as a necessity in most organizations today. But they're often fragile and susceptible to economic downturns, changes in funding models, or changes in leadership focus.

Internal platforms are generally understood as a necessity in most organizations today. However, results are often underwhelming, and the investment becomes hard to measure or justify. This makes internal platforms fragile and susceptible to economic downturns, changes in funding models, or leadership focus.

So, what is needed to make internal platforms antifragile?

“Antifragility is a property of systems in which they increase in capability to thrive as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility, noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures.”

Of course, the platform as a product approach is critical to help focus and prioritize (internal) customer needs. Continuously understanding the platform audience, building trust, and reducing blind spots are required to thrive.

However, sustainable platforms need to be able to withstand financial shocks as well. We need to deal with the reality that (end customer) products (usually) have clear revenue and unclear costs, while internal platforms (usually) have clear costs and unclear revenue. How do we avoid naïve/biased approaches to demonstrate platform value that overlooks the costs? How do we show the value perceived by decision-makers who might be sitting two or three degrees away in the organization?

Antifragile internal platforms grow on trust and 360º transparency to survive the inevitable stressors, failures, and misunderstandings. Chances are that mandates, blind standardization, and fuzzy “productivity” goals, among other issues, are eroding the trust foundations needed for platform sustainability in your organization.

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Team Topologies in Action - Global Enterprise Agility Month Teams Week

Team Topologies in Action - Global Enterprise Agility Month Teams Week

In this session, Matthew will talk about the principles behind Team Topologies before Paul Ingles (CTO,, John Kilmister (Software Architect, PureGym), Richard Allen (Team Topologies Advocate) and Ivan Krnic (Directior of Engineering, CROZ) will describe how they applied insights from the book to help them achieve their goals.Live Q&A to finish.

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Business and Technical Agility with Team Topologies - QCon Plus

Business and Technical Agility with Team Topologies - QCon Plus

In this talk, we’ll explore how the patterns and principles from Team Topologies promote true business and technical agility through a rapid flow of software change, fast feedback from running systems, a strong drive for loose coupling, and awareness of sociotechnical mirroring. Combined with a product mindset and techniques from Domain-driven Design, the Team Topologies approach is helping organizations around the world to adapt to the “new normal” and achieve true business and technical agility.

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Virtual Meetup - DDD-Lite: Independent Service Heuristics with Matthew Skelton

Virtual Meetup - DDD-Lite: Independent Service Heuristics with Matthew Skelton

Join Matthew Skelton for a talk at the Domain-Driven Design London meetup group on Tuesday, May 12th.

DDD-Lite: Independent Service Heuristics

When designing organizations for fast flow of change, we need to find effective boundaries between different streams of change. Techniques like Domain-Driven Design (DDD) are very powerful for this but can be quite involved and difficult to learn. A lightweight intermediate approach is to ask "could this thing be run as a cloud-hosted (SaaS) service or product?".

This session explores the Independent Service Heuristics, a kind of “DDD-Lite” approach based on some ideas in the book Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais. The Independent Service Heuristics help teams to find candidate services and domains for running as a separate value stream or separate service.

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Talk: Beyond the Spotify model - Agile Scotland

Talk: Beyond the Spotify model - Agile Scotland

A talk at Agile Scotland - Beyond the Spotify Model: using team topologies for organisation design

For effective, modern, cloud-connected software systems we need to organize our teams in certain ways. Taking account of Conway's Law, we look to match the team structures to the required software architecture, enabling or restricting communication and collaboration for the best outcomes.

This talk will cover the basics of organization design using Team Topologies, exploring a selection of key team types and how and when to use them in order to make the development and operation of your software systems as effective as possible. The talk is based on the forthcoming 2019 book Team Topologies and first-hand experience helping companies around the world with the design of their technology teams.

Key takeaways:

1. Why using the “Spotify Model” of team design is not enough

2. The four fundamental team topologies needed for modern software delivery

3. The three team interaction modes that enable fast flow and rapid learning

4. How to address Conway’s Law, cognitive load, and team evolution with Team Topologies


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