Team Topologies Partner Program

The Team Topologies partner program helps to evolve the Team Topologies approach and scale the adoption of Team Topologies by using a worldwide partner network to deliver training, consulting, and change programmes.

Our partners have helped localize our materials, translate the book in many languages and bring the approach to life in various different contexts/domains.

We have 4 different types of partners, which serve different purpose and focus on different aspects of Team Topologies:

  • Team Topologies Associated Consultancy (TTAC) - for consulting organizations focused on helping their customers achieve fast flow, organizational agility and become more humane organizations by combining a Team Topologies approach for organizing team-of-teams with other ideas, methods and frameworks (think Agile, DevOps, Domain Driven Design, Cloud Native Development, etc.)

  • Team Topologies Training Partners (TTTP) - for professional training and learning organizations, which provide both enterprises as well as individuals with courses on various topics and look to complete their portfolio with introductory Team Topologies course.

  • Team Topologies Solution Partner (TTSP) - for organizations, which are looking to work closely with the Team Topologies team to evolve the Team Topologies approach further in different areas. They take active or lead role in the Inner Circle of the community producing new knowledge on how to apply Team Topologies in different industry context (e.g. telco, banking, etc.) or different technology context (cloud, embedded software, IoT, AI/ML, etc.). In turn, these organizations offer unmatched validated solutions to their customers. Not limited to consultancies.

  • Team Topologies Advanced Partner (TTAP) - for selected organizations, which are significantly contributing to the advancement of the Team Topologies ideas and approach, leading the community and various workgroups, producing thought leadership (incl. contribution to books). These are selected from the subset of Solution Partners based on the impact of their activity and contribution over time.

Logo usage guide for Partners

Purpose of this guide

We want all TT Partners to grow and become more successful in the TT partner ecosystem. This guide will help us all:

  • Make the Partner logos stronger

  • Protect the logos’ equity and maximize their growth potential

  • Protect all Partner brands through visual consistency

Team Topologies branding is coordinated and consistent. All partners are required to use their TT Partner logo according to these brand guidelines. This is important, and will weigh in when partnership agreements are renewed. It is important that you become familiar with our brand guidelines and use the TT Partner logos correctly.

This guide is secondary to the partner contract you signed with TT.  You are only allowed to use the Partner logo that your partner contract entitles you to use.

Download a copy using the link below: