Nick Tune - TTVP

Nick Tune

Nick Tune

Nick is a consultant who works with technology leaders to map out business landscapes, define strategy, architect systems, and build continuous delivery teams, using Domain-Driven Design, Team Topologies, and Wardley Mapping. He is the co-author of Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design (Wrox) and Designing Autonomous Teams and Services (O'Reillly).


Contribution as Team Topologies Valued Practitioner (TTVP)

Nick is a Team Topologies Valued Practitioner (TTVP) due to his work exploring and linking Team Topologies and Domain-driven Design (DDD). Nick has devised and delivered the Domain-driven Design for Team Topologies (TT21) training, and linked DDD to TT in resources such as the Core Domain Charts.


Rich Allen - Team Topologies Valued Practitioner


Manuel Pais - TTVP and Author