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Online Training - DDD for Team Topologies | TT21 | 20-21 April 2021

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) for Team Topologies

2 x 4-hour sessions over 2 days

13:00 - 17:00 (GMT) on 20-21 April 2021

(Check starting time in your local timezone here)

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This training course combines principles and practices from Domain-driven Design (DDD) with principles and practices from Team Topologies to help you design an organization for fast flow with teams aligned to domain boundaries. 


  • CTOs, SVPs / VPs / Directors of Engineering

  • Engineering Managers

  • Principal Engineers, Architects

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Why should I take this course?

Designing an organizational structure with flow-oriented teams is about more than just right-sizing teams and their responsibilities. In order to design a loosely coupled organization we also need to design a loosely coupled software system. Forsgren et al. discovered that a loosely-coupled architecture and an organizational structure to match is actually one of the biggest predictors of delivery performance.

Finding the right boundaries is easier said than done. A software architecture is a model of the business domain. Therefore, to design a loosely-coupled architecture that enables fast-flow teams, Domain-Driven Design should be used to discover and model the domain as a blueprint for the architecture.

What will I learn?

This course allows attendees to experience hands-on business domain modelling, followed by decomposing the domain into subdomains and team boundaries. Techniques from Strategic Domain-Driven Design and EventStorming will be applied in combination with principles and patterns from Team Topologies.

Learning outcomes

  • Analyse a problem space using collaborative modelling

  • Discover subdomains of a domain and classify them according to business value

  • Organize teams around domain boundaries for fast flow

Preparation: Access to all required tooling will be provided free of charge. We will use Zoom (including breakout rooms) for the videocall, Miro for collaborative exercises, and Google Docs for information sharing.


How much prior knowledge of DDD or Team Topologies is needed?

  • No prior DDD knowledge required

  • Required understanding of TT concepts: 4 Fundamental Topologies, 3 Core Interaction modes, Cognitive Load - see Key Concepts

I am not a software developer; will I get any value out of the training?

  • Yes, the training is aimed at technical leadership and not developers. We will show modelling techniques but will not be discussing implementation patterns.



Training led by Nick Tune, experienced DDD practitioner and co-author of Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design and Kacper Gunia, experienced DDD practitioner and trainer.

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