Team Topologies Applied - Advanced Immersion Sessions - P810
Leapfrog the competition! Change is never slowing down. We built this workshop to give organizations eager to foster change and alter the team dynamics in a limited amount of time. By learning how to apply Team Topopologies and not only review the theoretical concepts you are setting yourself and your teams for success sooner.
Hands-on application of Team Topologies to real-world scenarios
Team Topologies Applied is an advanced learning and preparation experience through deep immersion in Team Topologies ideas and practices devised by the book authors and facilitated by expert practitioners.
Workshop outcomes
Prepare people to be able to lead or shape a Team Topologies implementation
Build skills in using Team Topologies tools and templates
Fill knowledge gaps through repeated application of Team Topologies principles
Increased awareness of nuances of Team Topologies via author Q&A
Build cross-team awareness through shared language and experience
Workshop format
The workshop is run across 3 separate 3-hour sessions, with each session on a different day:
Session 1 - Core principles + Supporting Team Types + Modern Platforms
Session 2 - Blockers to Fast Flow + Finding Boundaries + Decoupling
Session 3 - Responsive Organizations + Evolving Topologies
We recommend that these sessions are run in the same week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. This helps to keep the material and ideas “front of mind” for attendees whilst giving some space for reflection (and normal work activities).
The workshops are delivered exclusively by people from our core group of expert TTVP practitioners.
Accelerate the Adoption of Team Topologies
People leading or shaping the introduction of Team Topologies need some experience in applying the ideas and patterns in real (or “live-like”) situations. They need to explore the nuance of the ideas and patterns and understand how to explain these nuances clearly to others. That’s where the Team Topologies Applied Advanced Immersion Sessions come in.
The Team Topologies Applied Advanced Immersion Sessions (P810) provide an intensive learning and preparation experience for people who have read the Team Topologies book, attended the Team Topologies Distilled training, and watched at least one public talk from the book authors. These attendees are ready and keen to “dive in” to topics more deeply and test their understanding through a whole set of detailed group exercises and discussions with one of the book authors, Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais.
The Team Topologies Applied workshop provides attendees with the context and knowledge to lead or shape a Team Topologies implementation in their own organization or for a customer. We use the evolution of a fictitious (but realistic) example company, Footprints, to apply the Team Topologies ideas and practices in a way that can be replicated within your own organisation after the workshop.
Screenshot of the Miro board
Zoomed-in section of a completed Miro board for the P810 Team Topologies Applied sessions
Who should attend the workshops?
These advanced immersion sessions are for people who already have some knowledge and awareness of Team Topologies ideas and practices (see “Prerequisites” below). Each attendee will play a pivotal role in contributing to the learning process. Attendees could include:
CIO/CTO (or Office of CTO), Head of Engineering, Head of IT, managers, lead architects, lead software developers, agile coaches, representatives from Community of Practice or Center of Excellence, and so on.
There is a maximum of 20 people attending the workshops to keep discussions fluid.
Workshop prerequisites
Attendees at Team Topologies Applied must have done the following prior to attending the P810 sessions:
Completed one of the following training courses via the Team Topologies Academy: Team Topologies Distilled (TT23) or Team Topologies for Managers (TT16) or Platform Management Bundle
Read the Team Topologies book in its entirety
Watched at least one public talk from the authors of Team Topologies - see for details of talks