Team Topologies Training Partners - TTTP
The Team Topologies logo is a Registered Trademark ® in multiple jurisdictions
Team Topologies Training Partners (TTTP) deliver official Team Topologies branded training courses in English and other languages.
The Team Topologies Training Partners (TTTP) is a new partner type we have launched in June 2024. They help a growing number of organizations worldwide to gain awareness and build foundational knowledge in the Team Topologies approach.
With TTTPs presence in different geographic regions, the TTTP network provides local, validated awareness of Team Topologies ideas and patterns, together with accredited expertise in delivering key Team Topologies training sessions (live online as well as in person).
Benefits for Training Partners
Commercial & Marketing
Team Topologies brand recognition - use the Team Topologies Training Partner logo on your website, materials, events and more.
Marketing package:
Events (webinar, podcast, conference) - one joint event per year included with your annual fee, additional events possible.
Blog - posting or syndicating blog posts on ( related to the Team Topologies approach.
Website - featuring you as Training Partner on the relevant pages of
Social Media channels promotion - promoting joint events, offerings and relevant Team Topologies content through all of our channels. Commitment to feature you at least once every quarter.
Access to official Team Topologies training materials:
Original slides in English with slide notes.
Presenter guidance.
Preferential access to sales leads and referrals from Team Topologies - only TTTPs are licensed to deliver official Team Topologies training courses.
RFI/RFQ/RFP answer support for up to 20 hours per year - beyond the 20 hours charged at established rates.
Authorized reseller - authorized to sell “at scale” products - such as seats on the Team Topologies Academy, books, printed resources, etc. - directly to end customers.
Access to the Inner Circle of the Team Topologies Community (included for each enabled trainer), providing for direct interaction with the authors, the Team Topologies team and the growing number of practitioners, enthusiast and leaders evolving the Team Topologies approach.
Access to templates, slide decks, and other go-to-market materials to help win deals and drive more revenue.
Option to undertake the translation into another language of certain official Team Topologies training courses in exchange for exclusive delivery rights in that language for a period (currently 12 months).
Translation must be done by a native (or native-equivalent) speaker of the target language. Translation will be from English.
During the exclusive rights period, Team Topologies will provide up to one 5-min recorded video or one 15-min video call per calendar quarter featuring Matthew Skelton or Manuel Pais to help sales.
During the exclusive rights period, the TTTP agrees to undertake at least one enablement session per month (if requested by Team Topologies).
The translated versions of the official TT training materials must maintain 1:1 correspondence with the original materials in English.
Current Team Topologies Training Partners
Training partners Candidates (undergoing assessment)
Entry criteria for Training Partners
Qualification Criteria
The applying organization has a minimum of two associates accredited as authorised trainers.
Note: The authorisation for a trainer is linked to the TTTP organisation. The trainer cannot transfer the authorisation to another company.
Organisation’s previous experience with delivering training - both online and in person.
We expect authorised individuals to have delivered at least 30+ hours of online training and be comfortable with handling questions, connectivity problems, and online video call/presentation tools.
Commitment to use an approved online poll technology during the training (several tools are approved).
Commitment to use Team Topologies’ course participant tracking and certificate of completion system/s.
Commitment to use the Team Topologies’ course participant satisfaction survey system.
Payment of the annual accreditation fee:
€10,000 for organizations.
€5,000 for freelance trainers or small organizations of up to 5 associates (incl. freelance trainers engaged).
Trainers Accreditation (non-exhaustive list)
Experience of delivering training, both in-person and online.
Experience in applying Agile and DevOps.
Completed enablement (€1,850 per person, 17 hours):
Team Topologies Distilled - 3 hours, self paced.
Team Topologies Effective Enabling Teams - 3 hours, self paced.
Platform as a Product - 2 hours, self paced.
Team Topologies Advanced Immersion Session (P810) - 3x3-hours sessions, live online. (subject to available scheduled sessions if buying less than 10 seats)
Trainer assessment, incl.
Video recording of a segment of the course they plan to deliver, to be reviewed by the Team Topologies team.
Co-presenting or shadowing - the candidate trainer will co-present one or more sessions along a member of the Team Topologies team.
Partner status come into force from the date the minimum required authorized trainers have completed their accreditation.