Team Topologies in a nutshell - infographic


Have you recently finished reading the Team Topologies book and found that the concepts really resonated? Do you want to implement some of the principles and practices in your organization but in order to get things moving you need to persuade some of your peers/managers? 

You might be thinking you need to buy them a copy of the book and say “you’ve got to read this, it makes so much sense” and then hope that they carve the time in their hectic schedule to read the whole book. Whilst we would always encourage you to buy more copies of the book 😀, wouldn’t it be far easier to point them at a simple resource that they quickly scan and grasp the basic principles of the process? 

That is why we created the Team Topologies in a nutshell infographic. It’s simple and easy to follow and available in a number of different formats to suit your needs.

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Thank you to Rich Allen for significant work on this infographic.


Getting started with Team Topologies - infographic